DRYL Meeting Agenda – March 15th, 2023
Attendees: requesting all board members and coaches
Registration: (as of March 14 th )
Boys 1/2: 5 (Adam not signed up yet – 1 kid)
Boys 3/4: 7
Boys 5/6: 10
Boys 7/8: 13
Girls 1/2: 7 (Adam and Crystal not signed up – that is 3 kids total)
Girls 3/4: 16
Girls 5/6: 14 (Crystal and maybe 2 more not signed up – total of 3 more potential kids)
Need to refund the 7 girls on the Girls 7/8 team – how much are we refunding since winter clinic was included in cost.
Do they need to pay full price of clinic or are we offering a discount on clinic? Maybe split the difference? If discount
was $50 then keep $25 and refund $25?
Board voted 100% refund to all 7/8 families – Pat completed all refunds
Financials Update:
Balance is $23,804.34
Revenue since Jan 1 is $10,036.61
Outstanding invoice to Lincoln is $4,575 due 3/27.
Payment to MBYL for insurance: estimate $3,500 - paid
Payment to D2S for yard signs/uniforms: estimate $1,500 (20 yard signs and 12 girls uniforms, 10 hats for coaches)
Possible revenue is sale of backstops ~ $5,000.
What did Winter clinic cost? I don’t think we broke even this year?
2022 expenses from Mar-June were $13,568.19
UPDATE: new balance is $18,529
Need to refund 7/8 team, pay D2S for uniforms and 2023 merch, Tony putting in
an order for equipment. Balance should be around $11,000 after payments are
March 27 th practice week at Lincoln Field:
we need to pick times/date for each team and communicate those dates.
(Heather can only do Monday night that week)
How many teams do we want on the field for each practice?
UPDATE: great news, all coaches have committed to some degree for all 4 days.
The entire league is invited to practice from 5:30 – 7:30 all 4 days
Boy’s Update:
Adam St. Ours and Heather Spellman indicated interest in coaching boys ½
Adam has 3 kids that will sign up – all new to lacrosse and under age 7. Propose paying for one and paying for insurance
only on the other two. The 3 rd child plays softball and will not participate often so it is really a buy one get one free.
Proposing deep discount for this year as they are all brand new. Next season discount would not be this steep.
Coaches need to be certified – opportunity: March 26 th Gillette 9am
UPDATE: board voted on two families for financial support – PLEASE HAVE
ANYONE WITH ANY CONCERNS REACH OUT. We are willing to help anyone!
Girls Update:
Attleboro 1/2 was invited to join – no discount provided
Practice Field Update:
Dighton Town Hall – same as last year. BA has softball until 5pm
Peck Street
Need to secure practice schedule:
TUESDAY: Dighton Town Hall – all girls teams
THURSDAY: Dighton Town Hall – all girls teams
Back stops:
No change
Need to gauge interested in running clinics – if all coaches are present at this meeting please just jot down name of
people who could potentially help out at the following clinics. Even if it just a maybe – we will plan at a later date and
not hold anyone to it.
SUMMER: Heather C.
FALL: Heather C.
Winter clinic:
Roll this over to later meeting – leaving it on for further discussion
Forekicks fee is increasing in 2024
2023-2024 Season:
Open registration in August when MBYL opens
4 month payment plan.
We need to bring fee down in 2024 by doing more fundraising – baseball is $140
Equipment Update:
Need to restring nets at Peck Street – set a date?
Tony putting in equipment order – first aid kits, mouthguards, etc
Tony, Pat, Pete are restringing nets this Sunday at 1:30 at Dighton Town Hall then
heading over to Peck Street
Need bolt cutter for lock at Peck Street. Tony has new lock
Minimal inventory – mostly t-shirts
Approval for $2,000 to buy sweatshirts
Proposing fundraising events will go toward lowering fees in 2024. Advertise that funds will go toward paying for player
insurance in 2024
Heather Spellman looking into cornhole tournament
Football Golf outings can raise $7 - $10K
Calendar raffle in May?
Heather looking into cornhole tournament – proposed a couple venues. Will
secure date in May during season Fri or Sat afternoon/night
End of season celebration:
Ice cream truck last home game
Player gift?
Shooter shirts with names on back would run around $10-$15 each
Heather to gather shirt sizes and we will give shooter shirts as year end gift
Field Space:
Have we ever approached DMS to use the field between baseball fields for our Sunday home games – would cut costs by
$2,500 if we can find space for at least one of our teams. Soccer uses this field during the year. Beckwith would be even
better since it is closer to Lincoln school – do they have fields?
Middle school fields no good but we are confident we can fundraise and have
enough money to pay for Lincoln and offer lower fees
On another note for girls team: Heather cannot make practice on the following dates: April 6 th , 11 th , 13 th , 25 th , 27 th and
May 4 th Sorry! Covid is over and travel is amping up : (
Opening Day:
Heather setting up table to sell merch – any help appreciated
Can I purchase water, Gatorade, snacks and pay myself back with proceeds? Will provide receipt.
DR Boys lacrosse will be selling their signs and helping sell our merch
High School Youth Day
Girls: May 16th
Boys: Tony and Pat will consider
Game schedule request from Attleboro:
Hi Pete, This is Blake the head coach of U-15 Attleboro Titans. I saw the first draft of the schedule and was wondering if
you had any flexibility with the week 1 game against us. I had too make 2 teams this year because i have 30 kids
registered. With this I had no goalie until 3 weeks ago. He has never played lacrosse before but is willing to try it out. I
have a game week 1 against north at 8am. we also have a game against you guys at DR at 9 am. Both games are away
and was just wondering if you would be able to play the game a little bit later that day so we could make both games
with having a goalie in attendance. My cell is +16176785507 if it would be easier to get in touch with me. If there is
anyway you could help me out that would be great.
Thanks, Blake
We cannot accommodate – Pete will reply
Next Meeting:
If doing April meeting Heather cannot do Tues-Thurs any week so someone else needs to host live or virtual meeting.
School vacation week is April 17 th
May 9th
Heather putting together newsletter to distribute at first practice day – will try to
hold a parent meeting at the beginning of practice to request board help.